
Paladin as a guild was founded 3 years ago on November 3, 2006 by our current leader Shawsheen. We provide a laid back, friendly environment for members as well as offering the use of two houses and two paddocks, right outside of Bonta. Including the only glitched paddock which allows character entry, making it markedly easier to manipulate mounts. Both houses are located in Bonta, a Gigantic Jeweler House and a Small Smith House. While not a notorious guild or highly aggressive, we provide support for all members in crafting, dungeon crawls, as well the obvious benefits paddocks bestow for breeders. Rights are earned through donation of experience to the guild, as well as active participation and an upbeat attitude. Rights to use the paddocks and manage preceptors are enjoyed by all active members.

Requirements for entry into the guild are few, all characters level 70 and up that display generosity and a willingness to help others are welcome. The majority of the guild is Bonatarian, but all are welcome. Brakmarian characters may experience some difficulty utilizing the guild houses and paddocks, since both are in Bonitarian territories. Average guild level is in the early 90's, useful alts are allowed.
