
Guardians Of the Mind[]

Info Hi :D it's Ohio, I made this guild in hope that it would slowly become great. And was I wrong... It grew so fast I could not believe it. I want to thank my Second in commands for joining and helping out and thank every one who has joined our guild. We are a great group that helps all and we consist of the best people on Dofus. (Except For that Same Damn Guy) [Inside Joke]

Guild : Allies with : Moon-

Player Average Level : 105

Things To Do:

Dungeons (At least 1 every day, Just ask and we will do it :D)

Kolo (All the Time)

Contests (Once every month or so)

Current : None ;-;

Have Fun (24/7)

Talk (As much as you want)

Get help! We are always helping starting players!


Pay To Play (Or getting Pay To Play soon)

Level Minimum of 50



Alignment : Any (Mainly bontarians)

(Players of the rank NUICENCE are people who are too awesome to say no to)

Leaders :

Leader: Ohios-Monster

Second In Commands: Sordia, Tofupimper, Sneaka-Peek.

Also Talk to Sinful-Pacito, Can-heal, Flexibility, Khatalone, Ahkruke, or Moon-sprite for more information!

Rank System

Second in Command : Beat Second in Commands exp by SIC's exp + 1/2 of SIC's Exp (Excluding Sordia)

Treasurer - Has Donated EXP and Kamas to guild and valuable time and Earned my Trust

Any Rank (Besides Treasurer or SIC) 250k exp givin

Scout - 200k Exp Given

Secretary - 150k Exp Given

Governer 100k Exp Given

Guide - 75k Exp Given

Mentor - 50k Exp Given

Aprentice - 25k Exp Given

Mascot - 10k Exp Given

Choose any rank between the listed ranks once you have reached expectations for only 10kk q^_^p All donations go to Guild funds

Chosen One Goes To Winner Of any Contest

(>^_^)> Hugs are free

Guild Member Update Service -

Guildies! WE NEED EXP!! Please give exp so guild can progess. Ty.

We have currently one VERY SMALL house at (-45,17)

Guild Fund - 480,101 kamas

Donations are welcome. Please give for the sake of our guild.

- Ohio

Sin, Guild says Ty for Donations :D

Sordia, Guild says Ty for Donations and being an epic SIC

Everyone else keep working

Weekley Update:

Our guild can have so many more people join, right now we need more active people like you to join. Copy paste this basic message and start recruiting for the Guards.

/r Recruitng For Guardians of the Mind, A new epic guild searching for cool active people. Lvl 50+ p2p and must be awesome. We do dungeons kolo and the occasional contest :D Pm me for info and invite.

Sordia and I have been talking, We were thinking to start up a loan system with some of our trusted guildies that need funds. More details coming soon.

We finally bought our house even though we are too young to donate it to guild. Thanks to all those donations.

We have changed our any rank ways to a more standard system to plus exp donation, Leveling the guild is a big priority so donate if you can.
